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Naples Daily News - Saturday, February 17, 2007 - Link to original article 

Editorial: Interstate 75/Coconut Road

Diverse groups coalesce to fight for environment

Anyone harboring doubts about the proposal to develop the eastern side of Interstate 75, opposite Coconut Road in Estero, ought to be impressed with the latest move to fight it.

A coalition of no fewer than 18 organizations have teamed up to file an appeal of permits that the groups feel were put through less than forthrightly amid the Christmas holidays. The organizations say the South Florida Water Management District did so too quickly and without full opportunity for input by opponents.

While claiming violations of the Endangered Species Act, the opponents know that the property has been zoned by Lee County government to a restrictive 1 home per 10 acres, befitting its density reduction/ground water resource (DRGR) designation.

U.S. Reps. Connie Mack IV and Mario Diaz-Balart helped make the organizations’ protest necessary by “winning” $10 million in federal funds for a feasibility study for an I-75 interchange at that very location.

Those two politicians can no longer harbor any doubt that they did the wrong thing or were manipulated into doing so.

When 18 community organizations — ranging from neighborhoods of The Brooks, The Conservancy of Southwest Florida and the Florida Wildlife Federation to the Estero Council of Civic Leaders — invest their resources to go to the mat for the environment and ethical land-use planning, that sends a loud and clear message. Very convincing.



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